Among Us is a game that revolves around the battle between two forces of good and evil on an astronaut ship. Each character class has its mission and will use their skills to complete the level. At the same time, the gameplay is especially thrilling when playing with your friends when you cannot distinguish between the enemies that need to be destroyed. Therefore, for those who need a game that requires strategy and observational thinking skills, this game is a perfect choice. Throughout the game, new elements will be unlocked and will help you travel to diverse and challenging environments.
Becoming an impostor is no longer a strange thing to many Among Us players, and the villain always has a certain attraction for many players when they can freely do what they like. At the same time, Impostors always possess a similar appearance to the rest and require impressive deception and camouflage skills from the player to instill fear in other players. In particular, delivering secret assassinations is often arranged through a specific strategy and careful observation of the environment to avoid being identified. Explaining is a skill anyone who wants to play a villain must possess to escape votes on the spaceship.
- Sneak and Sabotage: Get to sneak around and sabotage as you try to pick off crewmates individually.
- Lie and Manipulate: Lie during meetings to avoid suspicion and manipulate the vote.
- Isolate and Kill: Create creative ways to isolate crewmates for an easy kill.
The game becomes more interesting when you play with your friends, and Among Us creates an environment where you can do this. Don’t hesitate to create secret rooms and only allow people you can access to ensure privacy and not let other players bother you. In addition, to balance the power of Impostor, most players will play the role of Crewmates, who normally cannot destroy others. Each side of the balance must play their role to win the game, such as destroying all opponents or completing the task correctly. Don’t hesitate to use the means of exchange to create an impressive environment where everything is decided based on your bluffing skills.
- Custom Private Matches: Add friends through the game code for private matches.
- Coordinate as Crewmates: Team up as crewmates to complete tasks efficiently.
- Voice Chat Strategies: Use voice chat on Discord to coordinate strategy and sus out the impostor.
- Creative House Rules: Create fun house rules and vary the settings for new challenges.
What makes the Impostors in Among Us so scary is the disruption of the Crewmates’ work efficiency. They will pretend to be normal and move around other players to find opportunities to sabotage or destroy honest players. In particular, Impostor can create important incidents that decide the victory of the entire game and require the opposing team to handle them quickly. In addition, Impostor’s powerful abilities can be completely adjusted to create difficulty based on the player’s skills. Of course, everyone can make suggestions for these adjustments if it’s a group of friends playing together.
- Map Sabotage Chaos: As the impostor, you can sabotage parts of the map, like doors, lights, and oxygen.
- Cause Confusion: This causes chaos and separation for easy kills.
- Increase Intensity: This makes the game more challenging and intense for crewmates.
When you start new experiences, you will see astronaut characters with small bodies and similar appearances. The only thing distinguishing players is the color that players can quickly choose. At the same time, the longer players play, the more opportunities they have to unlock different types of costumes in the game. Gradually, you will notice a clear difference between yourself and other players when combining different elements. More unique looks are the key to making the game more interesting and making players continue to take on challenges with opponents full of tactics and skills.
- Unlock Cosmetics: Unlock new colors, skins, hats, and pets through gameplay.
- Unique Customization: Match your style with unique character customization.
- Show Off Cosmetics: Show off special cosmetics earned through challenges.
- Add Personality: Adds personality and flair to your in-game avatar.