This game is a traditional logic game with a sinister spin on it. The player has to use the phone to find the notes the owner wrote down, and then they have to run for it.
The players figure out how to solve a puzzling case by getting the victim’s phone and talking to witnesses. From the ease of your mobile device, you may make and accept calls, send and receive text messages (both individually and in groups), see and listen to media files (photos and videos), keep tabs on critical contacts through social media, and do much more. Try looking into it! This phone has very important information but cannot be accessed because it is password protected. Because of the data loss and the precarious condition of the phone, many files need to be repaired before they can be accessed. Second, the amount of data that can be accessed via the phone is insufficient. In order to obtain information about the case, the characters need to investigate the victims’ and linked parties’ social media accounts, as well as have conversations with the important participants.
Investigations into the files, chats, the search for missing clues and evidence, and several other forms of communication are all connected. Players won’t be able to solve the case, discover who the real offender is, or get to the bottom of what happened unless they first acquire all of the relevant information. The game’s setting is incredibly lifelike, which is maybe what’s most remarkable about it. The subsequent stages of the competition will progressively bring the competitors down to earth. Each individual is unique. The talks they conduct with the player are extremely realistic and accurate representations of their personalities; they also respond differently depending on what the player does. Comparable characters include those that don’t do much but say a lot. This piece has a feeling of dread, as one may experience from playing a horror video game. There are some horrifying images and photographs, and the unanticipated horror aspects are frequently horrifying in and of themselves.