BADLAND revolves around a distinctively black figure that constantly moves forward to find the critical pipe. When controlling the character, one point to pay attention to is that the obstacles may not be dangerous or can destroy the character in just a few seconds. At the same time, the items that appear may have some beneficial or negative effect on the character.
The story of BADLAND begins with a black pipe, and from there, garbage is discharged, and the main character appears. The main character you control has a black and round appearance with wings that allow it to move forward. Up ahead, there are various machines that it must face and inevitably find a way to go to the following locations. That goal is to find a pipe similar to the starting one.
The way to control the character in this game is completely accessible when the player only needs to touch the screen to control the character’s flight. When it flies, it will constantly point forward and can hit some different objects. You’ll learn which things are dangerous to try to dodge as accurately as possible, and as you progress through the game, you’ll find a certain amount of fun finding certain elements that affect the character.
As you experience BADLAND, you will need to pay attention to environmental factors that players need to be careful about. Some elements will not endanger the character, and sometimes they can exert a force that helps propel the character forward. At the same time, gradually, the safety factors will come with some dangerous factors that force players to be careful if they do not want the game screen to end. Your character also can get hurt.
You can find some standard wheels, and they can’t hurt the character at all. But if it is wheels with sharp angles, indeed just one touch, the character you control will quickly disappear. At the same time, you will try to move forward, and the moving area will gradually narrow towards the right. You will receive defeat when you are no longer in the level area.
Another interesting point that players should not ignore is the number of items they can pick up. These items have different designs, and you can recognize them to guess their features. Specifically, some items will help you become bigger, and of course, your movement will also become completely difficult. Some other items can make you smaller or create a clone to increase your chances of survival.
You are free to choose the game mode you want in BADLAND, and the first experience is usually a single player. Your goal is to find a line similar to the one that appeared on the starting screen. At the same time, to reach that pipe, players will encounter different dangerous mechanisms, machines, and items that can support or hinder their progress. So you will need to move carefully and try to protect the character.
The following experience is multiplayer, and the maximum number of players can participate four. At the same time, they can also freely choose the level they want to enter from the levels that you have gone through before. In addition, this is like a race track that sees who gets to the finish line faster, and during the gameplay, anyone can pick up items and try to survive until they reach the goal. Surely this mode will bring many exciting experiences for you.
Players will control the character through a strange area with many mechanisms:
- The mysterious black circle character will constantly move forward in search of an exit and through high-damage obstacles.
- The player can easily find the screen area that continuously shrinks to the right and requires the character to move and not be swallowed.
- On some levels, the player can collect some items that provide different effects, such as increasing or decreasing the character’s size or cloning.
- Players are free to choose the game modes they feel are suitable as challenging levels in single-player mode.
- The fun will increase when players can play with their friends and compete with each other to be the fastest to the finish line.